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A Taste of Italy in Duarte

Ava Kouyoumdjian

It may not look like an Italian restaurant but it's like a little taste of Italy in the city of

Duarte. The delectable restaurant is a perfect place for family dinners or special occasions. It’s

not a big restaurant but it's cozy and fun.

The menu has a wide variety of authentic pizzas, handmade pastas, soups, and salads.

They even offer an octopus salad if you're an adventurous eater. I recommend starting with the

focaccia bread board which includes deliciously baked white focaccia bread, extra virgin olive

oil, rosemary, grilled prosciutto, grilled mozzarella cheese, sliced pears and honey. You wouldn't

think pears and cheese “pear” well together but they go together “pear-fectly”. For kids, I would

suggest the Margherita pizza. It is a traditional pizza topped with marinara sauce, fresh buffalo

mozzarella, fresh basil and olive oil. I loved it!

For adults the Genovese’s pasta,which is a stew of beef and onion that is slow cooked for 48

hrs with handmade pasta and topped with fresh bay leaves, is a great choice. For dessert try

the Delizia al Limone (A sponge cake dome filled and coated in lemon cream)

One of the highlights of our visit was the Chef, who’s name is chef Fabrizio Landi, came out to

greet us at our table and shared the specials and his recommendations. Grano’s is great for

family dinner, the prices could be a little steep, ranging from $16 to $35 per dish.They also offer

gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian options. Overall, this hidden gem is authentic, delicious and

fun. Check out their website for more information at

                   Top 5 Best Places to Get Food

                         Around Fundamentals 

Isaac dalessio

  1. In and out

  2. Subway

  3. McDonald’s 

  4. Poppy cake 

  5. Starbucks

Random Jokes of the Month

Dylan Lim

Q: What do you call fake noodles?A: Im-pasta 

Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant and a potato? A: Mashed Potatoes 

Q: Why did Santa go to music school?A: So he could improve his wrapping skills

Q: Why did the girl throw a stick of butter?

A: Because she wanted to see the butter Fly 

Q: Why did the painting go to jail? 

A: Because it was Framed 


Dear Miss Behave, 

        I saw my friend leave her trash from lunch where she was sitting. I asked her to pick it up and she said there is a janitor that does that. Is that true? Or should I tell her to throw it away?


                                            Clean Freak

Dear Clean Freak,

           Wait. FUN has a janitor? Who is it? What do they look like? What’s their name? I wasn't aware of this parental slave figure! 

The truth is we don’t have a janitor. Everyone should & must clean up their own trash. Proverbs 13:4 says, “ The soul of a lazy man desires but has nothing, but the soul of the diligent man shall be made rich!” It means, if someone does all the work for you, you will never learn to get the profit. Kindly tell your friend to pick up her own trash. It’s the right thing to do! 


                         Miss Behave

Dear Miss Behave,

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Yes or No?

- Pineapple Pizza Kid

Dear Pineapple Pizza Kid,

    As you know pizza is an idolized food in the northern hemisphere and it is my opinion that you should not contaminate this sacred dish with a sour, mushy fruit. Keep the pizza holy and pure with the basics - cheese & pepperoni.  If you must have the fruit, keep it as a side dish. But don’t forget to throw it away when you get lost in the pizza. We wouldn’t want our imaginary janitor to clean up after you!

                                 Bon appétit,

                                         Miss Behave

Rosh Hashanah 

By: Ram Ravid 

Israeli Holiday full of celebration

New year in War

With sadness 

And desperation

People feeling overwhelmed 

Trying to 

Feel warmth 

and hope for brighter 


Missing home 


Past celebrations 

With these hebrew 


שָׁנָה -year

מָתוֹק -sweet




Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice!

By Evie Vetter

It is finally fall! I am so excited to share the magic of fall with

all you readers! Are you ready to dive into the origin story of the

famous Pumpkin Spice Latte? Well first we have to go back in

time to the year 2003 to hear what Peter Dukes, the head of the

espresso team at Starbucks Coffee, did about their very first fall


Dukes and his team were brainstorming ideas about a fall

beverage and they had hundreds of ideas up on the wall. Some of

their drink ideas were chocolate, caramel, and pumpkin. Once

they had about twenty different ideas they made a survey to give

to their customers to ask what they would purchase. The crowd

pleasers were the chocolate and the caramel. Even though the

pumpkin was not one of the favorites, Dukes really liked the idea

of the pumpkin drink idea. Once they looked into the pumpkin

option a little more, they started to try sips of espresso and little

bites of pumpkin pie. They tweaked their recipe until they were

ready to test this drink at Starbucks locations in Washington, D.C.

and Vancouver, Canada. The drink was a hit!

Let's go back to the present day. These days the pumpkin

spice latte is a worldwide phenomenon. The pumpkin spice latte

is not just sold at Starbucks anymore. Now you can find this fall

delight at many local coffee shops! So go out and celebrate fall

with a delicious pumpkin spice latte! Thanks for reading!

Anything But A Backpack Day!

By: Vivien Wildermuth

Hi there,  I am writing about one of the fun and crazy days that happened last week.  The last Wednesday was anything but a backpack day.  Students were excited to show everybody their crazy but cool ideas for anything but a backpack. Some people brought suitcases, instrument cases, colorful bags, and even just their regular backpacks! But some people got even more creative and brought pizza boxes, cafeteria tray, and picnic baskets. I love how everybody was so creative with their ideas and had so much fun. Crazy days at Fundamentals are so great and I always enjoy them!

The Aromatic Spiced Pumpkin Scone Recipe

Madison Youman

This recipe was amazing. I loved that I could make it gluten and dairy free, modifying ingredients without ruining the recipe. It was fun to make because I like rolling out dough! You can even make any shapes you want. But, I spent more time than usual doing that. Use as much of the spices as you want – it will taste just as fall-ish as usual, but spicier! I hope you enjoy this recipe!


For the Scones

  • ½ cup canned pumpkin purée (I use Libby's) 

  • 1 large egg

  • 3 tablespoons heavy cream

  • 1 tablespoon molasses, such as Grandma's Original 

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 2 cups all purpose flour, spooned into measuring cup and leveled-off with knife, plus more for dusting

  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar

  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • ¾ teaspoon ground ginger

  • ¾ teaspoon ground cloves

  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

  • 1 stick (½ cup) cold unsalted butter

For the Glaze

  • 1½ cups Confectioners' sugar

  • 3 tablespoons canned pumpkin purée

  • 1 tablespoon water

  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger

  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves

  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg


Preheat the oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, egg, heavy cream, molasses, and vanilla. Set aside.

  2. In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the blade attachment, combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and spices. Process for about 20 seconds to combine; be sure no lumps of brown sugar remain.

  3. Cut the cold butter into ½-inch chunks. Add to the food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse meal – it should look unevenly crumbly with some pea-size chunks of butter within. Add the pumpkin mixture and pulse just until the mixture comes together. The dough will be very sticky, and you should still be able to see some pea-size lumps of butter.

  4. Lightly flour a countertop or work surface. Dump the sticky scone dough onto the floured surface and dust the top lightly with more flour. Using your hands, gently knead the dough until it comes together into a smooth ball. Divide the dough in half. Dust your work surface with flour again and form each half into a 5-inch circle, about ¾-inch thick. Using a sharp knife dusted with flour, slice each circle into 6 even wedges (cut each circle in half, then cut each half into thirds). If the dough starts to stick to the knife, dust the knife with more flour. Place the wedges on the prepared baking sheet. 

  5. Bake the scones for 12 to 15 minutes. To see if they are done, peek at the bottoms; they should be slightly browned. Let the scones cool on the baking sheet for about 15 minutes. 

  6. Meanwhile, make the glaze: In a medium bowl, whisk together the Confectioners' sugar, pumpkin, water, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg until smooth. The glaze should be thick.

  7. Spoon about 1 tablespoon of the glaze over each scone, letting it drip a bit down the sides. Wait about 30 minutes for the glaze to set, then serve.

From the website: 

You might have noticed a few articles that were to be continued and that's why you are here......

We are so happy you are here!

Here is where you will find more from each newsletter.

First up the amazing short story by Prayer Chang

So, I spots this green thing, I do, and I starts thinkin’ to meself, That green thing looks real fun to tear, and me owner’s not around to catch me. Besides, I thinks to meself, I would love a chance to get back at me owner right about now. So, I picks meself off the couch and starts tearin’ at the green thing. Oh, how glorious it was to tear at it! I went on like that for I don’t know how long, until Sally (she was a wee li’l kit then) pads o’er and asks what I’m doin’. I says to ‘er, ‘Ain’t none of yer beeswax what I’m doin’.’ But she says she knows what I’m doin’, I’m rippin’ up that green thing. And I asks ‘er, ‘You won’t tell what I’m doin’ to our owner, will ya?’ And she says nope, she won’t tell what I’m doin’, not for a million mice (for some reason cats think mice are tasty, but I think cats are mental to like somethin’ as repulsive as those sqeakin’ things, or their taste buds are just messed up). So she pads away, she does, and leaves me to enjoy my tearin’. 

Some time later, I hears that big metal thing me owner gets into when she goes away, and I hear it gettin’ closer. Oh, no, I thinks to meself, I better hide this. So, I quickly begins tuckin’ it under a couch, but too late, I realize me owner’s openin’ the door, she walks in, but I realize she doesn't sees me yet, so I keep tuckin’. Then Sally pads into the room, mews, and points at me (I didn’t know she knew how to point). I freezes up. Sally betrayed me! She had sworn secrecy on a million mice, she had!

It just goes to show what little honor cats have. Although, I guess there can’t really be any honor where mice (barf!) are involved. Anyway, me owner looks at where Sally 

is pointin’, which is, of course, at me. Oh, schnurshkadoodle, when I sees the shocked look on ‘er furless face, guilt stabs me like a cat’s claw, and I knows that I had done somethin’ wrong. What had I been thinkin’, tryin’ to get back at me owner like that? Well, I thinks to meself, I might as well try and pretend I didn’t do it. Maybe she’ll think it was that cursed cat. Quickly, I pulls me sweetest, most innocent face, but it’s no use. Me owner snatches me up with this furious look on ‘er face, and carries me off.

As me owner brings me to me punishment, I sees Sally’s triumphant face staring back at me, and I wonders what she ever had against me. Oh, well, I thinks to meself, I’ll never understand cats.

So, now you know why I have a grudge against Sally, you do, and I suppose you’ll never adopt ‘er now. What’s that? Oh, you’re wonderin’ what me punishment was, are ya? Well, me owner put me in a cage that I had to stay in for a whole day, and it was real horrible, it was. I don’t even want to get into what it was like. 

And as for Sally, I got ‘er back eventually, I did, when we were all grown up. She had torn up some white thing, and I led me owner straight to ‘er I did. She got into trouble bigtime. It was glorious! And she did end up tellin’ me why she had gotten me into trouble. It was just for knockin’ over ‘er food bowl that day so long ago. Honestly, cats get mad about the littlest things! Although, I guess not all cats are that bad. I learned that when Sally had a kit, and the li’l furball is just the sweetest thing. Anyway, my advice is to never get both a dog and a cat. They’ll just cause trouble for each other (it’ll be best to get only a dog).

The book review you can't wait to finish.....

Counting By Sevens

     By: Holly Goldberg Sloan           

After the car accident, Willow becomes deeply depressed, knowing that her parents were the only ones that loved her. Willow has no relatives who can take her in after the accident, so Mai Nguyen, her classmate, decides to lie to the police so that Willow can stay with her family. The Nguyens live in a garage behind Pattie's (Mai’s mom) nail salon, and even though it is a small space they still welcomed Willow into their home. With little they have, everyone welcomes Willow into their tiny yet cozy home. It takes her a while to settle into her new life, but eventually Willow is gardening more and enjoying her time with them. I would suggest this book to anyone who is interested or curious about plants and medical conditions. I specifically liked this book because of Willow's sense of humor and the way she thinks and acts around nature. 

Counting by Sevens

By: Holly Goldberg Sloan

For the very first time FUNdamentals will have a yearbook!

Join our dynamic Media Arts class where you'll blend the artistry of yearbook creation with the investigative skills of journalism! Capture memorable moments through photography and design, while also learning the fundamentals of news reporting and editing. Unleash your creativity and document the essence of our school year in this exciting combined Yearbook and Newsroom class.

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