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Back to School edition #1

You might have noticed a few articles that were to be continued and that's why you are here......

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First up the amazing short story by Prayer Chang

So, I spots this green thing, I do, and I starts thinkin’ to meself, That green thing looks real fun to tear, and me owner’s not around to catch me. Besides, I thinks to meself, I would love a chance to get back at me owner right about now. So, I picks meself off the couch and starts tearin’ at the green thing. Oh, how glorious it was to tear at it! I went on like that for I don’t know how long, until Sally (she was a wee li’l kit then) pads o’er and asks what I’m doin’. I says to ‘er, ‘Ain’t none of yer beeswax what I’m doin’.’ But she says she knows what I’m doin’, I’m rippin’ up that green thing. And I asks ‘er, ‘You won’t tell what I’m doin’ to our owner, will ya?’ And she says nope, she won’t tell what I’m doin’, not for a million mice (for some reason cats think mice are tasty, but I think cats are mental to like somethin’ as repulsive as those sqeakin’ things, or their taste buds are just messed up). So she pads away, she does, and leaves me to enjoy my tearin’. 

Some time later, I hears that big metal thing me owner gets into when she goes away, and I hear it gettin’ closer. Oh, no, I thinks to meself, I better hide this. So, I quickly begins tuckin’ it under a couch, but too late, I realize me owner’s openin’ the door, she walks in, but I realize she doesn't sees me yet, so I keep tuckin’. Then Sally pads into the room, mews, and points at me (I didn’t know she knew how to point). I freezes up. Sally betrayed me! She had sworn secrecy on a million mice, she had!

It just goes to show what little honor cats have. Although, I guess there can’t really be any honor where mice (barf!) are involved. Anyway, me owner looks at where Sally 

is pointin’, which is, of course, at me. Oh, schnurshkadoodle, when I sees the shocked look on ‘er furless face, guilt stabs me like a cat’s claw, and I knows that I had done somethin’ wrong. What had I been thinkin’, tryin’ to get back at me owner like that? Well, I thinks to meself, I might as well try and pretend I didn’t do it. Maybe she’ll think it was that cursed cat. Quickly, I pulls me sweetest, most innocent face, but it’s no use. Me owner snatches me up with this furious look on ‘er face, and carries me off.

As me owner brings me to me punishment, I sees Sally’s triumphant face staring back at me, and I wonders what she ever had against me. Oh, well, I thinks to meself, I’ll never understand cats.

So, now you know why I have a grudge against Sally, you do, and I suppose you’ll never adopt ‘er now. What’s that? Oh, you’re wonderin’ what me punishment was, are ya? Well, me owner put me in a cage that I had to stay in for a whole day, and it was real horrible, it was. I don’t even want to get into what it was like. 

And as for Sally, I got ‘er back eventually, I did, when we were all grown up. She had torn up some white thing, and I led me owner straight to ‘er I did. She got into trouble bigtime. It was glorious! And she did end up tellin’ me why she had gotten me into trouble. It was just for knockin’ over ‘er food bowl that day so long ago. Honestly, cats get mad about the littlest things! Although, I guess not all cats are that bad. I learned that when Sally had a kit, and the li’l furball is just the sweetest thing. Anyway, my advice is to never get both a dog and a cat. They’ll just cause trouble for each other (it’ll be best to get only a dog).

The book review you can't wait to finish.....

Counting By Sevens

     By: Holly Goldberg Sloan           

After the car accident, Willow becomes deeply depressed, knowing that her parents were the only ones that loved her. Willow has no relatives who can take her in after the accident, so Mai Nguyen, her classmate, decides to lie to the police so that Willow can stay with her family. The Nguyens live in a garage behind Pattie's (Mai’s mom) nail salon, and even though it is a small space they still welcomed Willow into their home. With little they have, everyone welcomes Willow into their tiny yet cozy home. It takes her a while to settle into her new life, but eventually Willow is gardening more and enjoying her time with them. I would suggest this book to anyone who is interested or curious about plants and medical conditions. I specifically liked this book because of Willow's sense of humor and the way she thinks and acts around nature. 

Counting by Sevens

By: Holly Goldberg Sloan

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